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Increasing number of tourists in Palpa encourage entrepreneurs to invest in hotels

PALPA, Nov 12: Investment in hotel and hospitality business has increased in the recent years. Hoteliers say that a total of Rs 1 billion has been invested in different hotels in district headquarter and of which few are under construction.  The occupancy of the hotels in the city has increased fivefold in the three years from 200 to 1000, according to Palpa Chamber of Commerce and Industries (PCCI). District's hotel industry has so far been received an investment of Rs 3 billion, they said. The district has received more tourists both domestic and foreigners in the recent years and this has boosted confidence of hoteliers.
By Mukti Prasad Nyaupane

PALPA, Nov 12: Investment in hotel and hospitality business has increased in the recent years. Hoteliers say that a total of Rs 1 billion has been invested in different hotels in district headquarter and of which few are under construction.  The occupancy of the hotels in the city has increased fivefold in the three years from 200 to 1000, according to Palpa Chamber of Commerce and Industries (PCCI). District's hotel industry has so far been received an investment of Rs 3 billion, they said. The district has received more tourists both domestic and foreigners in the recent years and this has boosted confidence of hoteliers. 

Hoteliers say they have retained tourists in the district changing the previous trend of the visitors going to Butwal after visiting Palpa, an ancient city as there were no quality hotels in the past. 

Mukti Ram GC is putting his full effort to start Hotel Tajhmahal near Tudhikhel of Tansen and his hotel is going to launch its operation within next six months.  GC believes that additional hotels will help to elongate tourist's stay in the district. "My hotel will also have elevator service which is first in the district," added GC.

Kamal Karki, promoter of Hotel Crown said that the investment in the hotel business will give good return as district have Siddhartha highway which connects Lumbini to Pokhara, Kaligandaki lokmarga and  Gautam Buddha airport which is under construction in Rupandehi.

The old design hotels and restaurants of the district have also started to renovate their buildings. The hotels of the district could only keep around 200 tourists before two years but the district can now hold the capacity of 1,000 tourists. Raju Maharjan, owner of Hotel Gaurishankar of Palpa said now the tourist visiting the district should not leave in the search of quality hotel. Maharjan said that he has invested more than Rs 70 million in the hotel business. Hotel Gaurishankar of Tansen, Silkhantol has the services like underground parking; conference hall amongst others said Maharjan.

The hotels in the district have provided employment to around 3,000 people. Tourism entrepreneurs of the district say the number of tourist here is increasing due to the good weather condition.

Bir Bahadur Bucha who operated Macchapucchre Hotel in Bus Park for long time said he has started Hotel Royal in the investment of around Rs 30 million. He said that he has invested in hotel after seeing good possibility in the tourism sector.

Manoj Kumar Gupta is also preparing to start a quality hotel named “Hotel Diamond” in Bus Park. The number of meeting and seminar has also increased in Palpa with the increasing number of hotels. Federation of Nepalese Journalists held central committee meeting and branch and associate chairpersons meeting in Palpa on September 14 and 15. Last year Lions Club also held central programs in Palpa.

Other one dozen hotels have also started its service in Rampur of Palpa. Likewise many number of hotels are opened in other places of the district like Chahara, Argali, Harthok, Arya Bhanjayang, Tahu.

In the last three years more than half dozen new hotels are opened in Palpa in the investment of around Rs 1 billion.

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