RAUTAHAT, Jan24: Armed Police Force (APF) battalion no. 11 was considered the best among all APF battalions in the country. The chief of the best battalion among all battalions is awarded by the APF Headquarters on the occasion of the Armed Police Day. So, the APF headquarters called the chief of the battalion No. 11, SP Dhruv Karki to Kathmandu stating that he would be awarded. Chief Karki reached Kathmandu to receive the best battalion award, but the best battalion award he was about to receive was taken away. On the occasion of the APF Day on Monday, the Dakshinkali Battalion No. 21 eventually won the award.
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The APF headquarters has installed CCTV cameras at the Gaur Customs Office to increase surveillance. As soon as SP Karki reached Kathmandu to receive the award after the internal evaluation was over, the CCTV footage of APF officers on duty of the battalion taking a bribe was leaked and the award was taken away.
Senior Head Constable Matrika Prasad Yadav and Constable Vivek Singh were caught on camera receiving money from smugglers while on duty. There is a BOP office of the Armed Police Force at Gaur Customs. Although Yadav and Singh were found to have accepted the bribe while chief of the APF office, Inspector Maheshwor Giri was on leave, the APF headquarters has recalled Inspector Giri, Senior Head Constable Yadav and Constable Singh to the APF headquarters.