If you have a pair of jeans that does not serve you well and you are going to throw it away. Then just don’t throw them away. The reason is, you can sell it to Khaalisis and get paid Rs 10 per kg. Khaalisisi.com is buying used jeans to recycle them into school bags in collaboration with Women for Human Rights (WHR). These collected items are then given to single women entrepreneurs who will make school bags out of them. The final product –school bag --will then be distributed to children in rural villages in Nepal as per Aayushi KC, founder and CEO of Khaalisisi.com.
Alternatives to skinny jeans

According to her, the objective of the campaign is to bring a positive impact on the environment along with uplifting the economic condition of single women. Also to help the school kids distributing the same who are deprived of school bags in rural villages in Nepal. About the process on how to sell your old jeans, she explained, “To start selling your old jeans for a cause, you can schedule a pick up at khaalisisi.com or contact at 9869079510 and a Khaalisisi friend nearest to one’s location. They will come for pick up and pay Rs 10/kg for the jeans. Usually, two to three jeans make up one kilogram, anything above that would be ideal for a pickup. Reusing one piece of jeans prevents the emission of over four kilograms of C02. And this is a simple solution to start with the damaged old jeans to save the environment and create jobs for single women.”
Meanwhile, Lily Thapa, founder, Women of Human Rights said, “The jeans bags will go to the needy children of single women for free of cost to bring the school dropout children back to school. This initiative will also provide job opportunity for single women and an opportunity to generate some income out of it.”