RUKUM, Dec 10: An elderly man has been slapped with 8 years of imprisonment and Rs 50,000 fine for raping a minor. Eighty-two-year-old Shiva Ram Khadka of Khara VDC, Ward No 1 was found guilty of raping an 11-year-old girl, who happens to be his granddaughter through a distant relationship.
District Court of Rukum recently gave the verdict. A single bench of Judge Dandapani Sharma concluded that Khadka had raped the girl while she was alone at home on September 7.
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Though the district court has punished him for the crime, Khadka can appeal for his innocence at the appellate court. Meanwhile, the victim's family members have expressed gratitude that they got justice.
“At least the court has done upheld justice,” they said. Meanwhile, local human rights activists stated that the verdict has encouraged the fight against violence against girls and women.