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Parties flay Maoist extortion

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KATHMANDU, Jan 3: A dozen of political parties in Kalali district have accused the Maoists of extorting people having different political views.

In a meeting held at CPN-UML´s party office in Dhangadhi on Sunday, they expressed serious concern over the "atrocities" committed by the Maoists. In a joint press statement issued after the meeting, the political parties alleged that the Maoists have stepped up extortion drive against the people holding different political views.

"Maoists are extorting entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, organizations, private schools and farmers who support other political parties and are threatening to displace them if they don´t donate money to the Maoist party. We are concerned by the Maoist activities," reads the statement. The local entrepreneurs have complained that the Maoists have continued collecting "donation".

Nepali Congress leader Govinda Raj Joshi said the meeting also decided to launch mass awareness campaigns for the unity among the political parties for writing the new constitution. While condemning the Maoist party for attacking a UML cadre recently, the parties have asked the Maoist party to act responsibly.

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