KATHMANDU, July 10: The year-on-year consumer price inflation moderated to 4.17 percent in mid-June compared to 6.83 percent in the same month last year.

COLOMBO, June 18:Sri Lanka on Monday hailed data showing the economy grew far more than expected in the first quarter, as the country continued its recovery from a crippling foreign exchange crisis.

KATHMANDU, May 12: The consumer price inflation moderated to 4.61 percent between mid-March and mid-April from 4.82 percent in the previous month, mainly due to the slow increase in the prices of non-food and services during the period.

KATHMANDU, April 4: The consumer price inflation between mid-February and mid-March this year moderated to 4.82 percent, from 5.01 percent in the previous month.

KATHMANDU, Feb 6: The consumer price inflation moderated to 5.26 percent as of mid-January, compared to 7.26 percent a year ago.

The global economy devastated by the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia Ukraine war was somehow recovering since the beginning of this year. However, the unexpected recent fallout of the Israel-Hamas war could become more severe on the global economy if the conflict spreads to the rest of the Middle East. It would severely affect inflation, remittance, trade , oil prices and the global market.

MARRAKESH, Morocco, Oct 11: The IMF kept its 2023 global growth forecast unchanged on Tuesday but warned that the economy is "limping along" as inflation remains high and the outlooks for China and Germany were downgraded.

KATHMANDU, Sept 17: The consumer price inflation between mid-July and mid-August this year stood at 7.52 percent, slightly higher than the previous month.

KATHMANDU, Aug 19: The indicators of inflation, current account deficit and foreign direct investment are poor while indicators of remittances, balance of payment and foreign exchange reserves positive, according to the current macroeconomic and financial situation of Nepal for the fiscal year, 2022/23 published by the Nepal Rastra Bank.

KATHMANDU, July 10: The consumer price inflation moderated in the eleventh month of the current fiscal year.

COLOMBO, April 22: Sri Lanka's headline inflation dropped to 49.2 percent in March from 53.6 percent in February this year, said the Department of Census and Statistics here on Friday.

KATHMANDU, April 14: Inflation has increased in the Kathmandu Valley this year compared to mid-February last year. According to Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), the inflation rate in the Kathmandu Valley in mid-February this year is 7.95 percent. In mid-February last year, the inflation rate was 6.31 percent.

KATHMANDU, April 12: The consumer price index marginally declined in the past one month during mid-February and mid-March, mainly due to a slowdown in prices of non-food items and services and few food items.

BUENOS AIRES, March 31:One of the world’s highest inflation rates is making it more difficult to make ends meet in Argentina, where at the end of last year nearly four of every 10 people were poor, official figures revealed Thursday.Poverty increased to 39.2% of the population in the second half of 2022, a three percentage point increase from the first six months of the year, said Argentina’s national statistics agency, INDEC.

KATHMANDU, March 12: Consumer price index increased marginally in the past one month during mid-January and mid-February, mainly due to the rise in prices of non-food items and services.

KATHMANDU, Feb 16: A majority of consumers expect the inflation to increase further in the next three months, while almost all the consumers expect the price level to increase over the next one year.

KATHMANDU, Feb 10: While the government aims to keep inflation within the desired limit of seven percent for the current fiscal year, it has reached 7.26 percent up to the half-yearly review period of the monetary policy.

KATHMANDU, Feb 6: Consumer price inflation rate remained almost stable in the past one month during mid-December and mid-January.

KATHMANDU, Jan 19: Economists have cautioned that Nepal could face higher pressure on price inflation in the near future due to the possibility of a global recession.

Control Price Rise

December 19, 2022 08:00 am

These are perhaps the times when we feel the tightest squeeze on our wallets in years, with the price of everything rising very quickly, especially over the past few months. Perhaps, over the past few months, prices have risen at their fastest pace in years.

KATHMANDU, Nov 16: The consumer price inflation stood at 8.50 percent last month, which was double of the figure during the review month last year.

KARNALI, Oct 26: The rising market inflation has hit the consumers in the mountain districts of Karnali Province. The prices of essential commodities of daily use have skyrocketed after the roads in the district were disrupted by floods and landslides triggered by incessant rains during the first week of this month.

KATHMANDU, OCT 22: The consumer price inflation stood at 8.64 percent in the first two months of the current fiscal year, which was more than double of the figure during the period last year.

KATHMANDU, Sept 15: The consumer price inflation hit 8.26 percent in the first month of the current fiscal year, almost double of the figure during the period last year.

WASHINGTON, Aug 25: President Joe Biden said on Wednesday the U.S. government will forgive $10,000 in student loans for millions of debt-saddled former college students, keeping a pledge he made in the 2020 campaign for the White House.

KATHMANDU, August 17: The annual consumer price inflation last year hit 6.32 percent, up from 3.60 percent inflation of the previous fiscal year.

South Asian countries are suffering the consequences of a tense and unstable global economic situation, with multiple causes, including the war in Ukraine. The soaring inflation widens budget deficits and empties the coffers of the countries in the region, often already very dependent on the outside for their oil and food supplies. If, in the face of inflation, global actions are beneficial in the short term, they threaten the independence of certain countries and unsettle governments, shown by the examples of Nepal and Sri Lanka.

KATHMANDU, August 1: The main opposition CPN-UML has organized a large public demonstration in Basantapur Durbar Square, Kathmandu, today, protesting against the rising inflation and corruption in the country.

KATHMANDU, August 1: The main opposition CPN (UML) has started a large public demonstration in Kathmandu today protesting against the issue of public concern.

KATHMANDU, August 1: The main opposition party, CPN-UML, is going to hold a public demonstration today against inflation. UML is going to hold a public demonstration in Kathmandu today saying that the government has not taken any steps to control inflation.

KATHMANDU, July 25: A large amount of Nepali currency has gone out of the country in a period of one year only for the import of petroleum products due to the increasing inflation and consumption.

Inflation doubles in a year

July 12, 2022 19:20 pm

KATHMANDU, July 12: While the country’s economy has been facing problems due to issues in the external sector since the beginning of the current fiscal year, the data as of June has been somewhat positive.

KATHMANDU, July 11: Nepal’s inflation rate is moving closer to double digit points, with Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) recording consumer price index grew by 8.56 percent in the first 11 months of this fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, July 8: The Consumer Awareness Campaign Nepal (CACN), an organization working in the consumer's rights sector, has drawn the government’s attention to taming the spiraling inflation.

July 25: Rising food costs. Soaring fuel bills. Wages that are not keeping pace. Inflation is plundering people’s wallets, sparking a wave of protests and workers’ strikes around the world.

KATHMANDU, June 20: Speaker Agni Prasad Sapkota has asked the government to inform the House of the truth behind the recent price hike after the main opposition party CPN-UML demanded an answer from the government.

KATHMANDU, June 11: The consumer price inflation during the one-month period from mid-April to mid-May hit 7.87 percent, more than double of 3.65 percent of the same period of the last fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, May 15: While consumers have already been hit hard by the soaring prices of daily essentials, the recent hike in the prices of petroleum products by Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) on Saturday will even worsen the living condition of the people.

KATHMANDU, May 11: The consumer price inflation during the one-month period from mid-March to mid-April increased more than double this year compared to the same period of the last fiscal year, owing to a surge in the prices of overall food and non-food items and services.

KATHMANDU, April 12: The consumer price inflation was recorded at 7.14 percent as of mid-March this year as compared to 3.03 percent of the same period last year.

COLOMBO, April 9: Sri Lanka's central bank doubled its key interest rates on Friday, raising each by an unprecedented 700 basis points to tame inflation that has soared due to crippling shortages of basic goods driven by a devastating economic crisis.

KATHMANDU, Feb 9: The consumer price inflation was recorded at 5.65 percent as of mid-January as compared to 3.56 percent of the same period last year.

KATHMANDU, Jan 13: The consumer price inflation hit 7.11 percent as of mid-December, which is 0.6 point percent higher than the government’s annual target for this fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Dec 15: Consumer price inflation surged to 5.32 percent during the one month period from mid-October to mid-November this year compared to 4.05 percent during the same period last year.

KATHMANDU, Nov 18: Consumer price inflation surged to 4.24 percent during one month of mid-September and mid-October amid soaring prices of foods and petroleum products.

KATHMANDU, Sept 23: The country’s consumer price inflation soared to 4.35 percent in the first month of the current fiscal year, due to a hike in prices of ghee and oil in particular.

KATHMANDU, August 26: Consumer inflation in the last fiscal year stood at 3.6 percent, which is probably the lowest annual average price rise in the past two decades.

KATHMANDU, June 14: Consumer inflation stood at 3.65 percent in the first ten months of the current fiscal year due to a spike in prices of edible oil and meat in particular.

KATHMANDU, March 17: Consumer inflation stood at 2.70 percent in the first seven months of the current fiscal year, almost one-third of the rate in the same period last year.

KATHMANDU, Jan 26: Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) in its Current Macroeconomic report of the first five months of the current fiscal year has stated that the consumer price inflation remained 2.93 percent during the period.