KATHMANDU, July 23: The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology has set up a committee to look into accusations that former Minister and lawmaker Birendra Mahatto paid a middleman Rs 5,000 to verify his son's educational certificate.

KATHMANDU, July 22: Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said that action will be taken against those involved in corruption without looking at their faces and their political affiliation.

JANAKPURDHAM, July 10: In the corruption case of Jhalanath Khanal Institute of Health Sciences, the Special Court has sentenced Bjjay Kumar Yadav, the former Finance Minister of Madhesh Province, to nine years and one month in prison.

Youth and Small Entrepreneur Self Employment Fund issues subsidized loans worth Rs 4 billion

KATHMANDU, June 9: Local governments have become the most corruption-prone entities among the three tiers of government. Reports from the Auditor General and the Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) indicate that local governments are increasingly evolving into hotbeds of corruption.

KATHMANDU, May 15: Nepal Students’ Union (NSU) at Tri Chandra Campus staged a protest against the government's lack of interest in the co-operative fraud case and corruption in Giri Bandhu Tea Estate.

Whether you’re leading a student club, heading a team at work, leading a company or holding a public position, crossing ethical boundaries is often easier than you think. Every decision made by a leader can have a clean and clear purpose or making compromises with a string of personal benefit attached to it. In other words, personal gain has been chosen over work ethics. Rampant bribery in both public and private sectors is a manifestation of unethical leadership which has somewhat been normalized in today's work culture.

KATHMANDU, April 10: Bharat Kumar Thapa, the mayor of Bagmati Municipality in Sarlahi, is facing corruption allegations after a case was lodged against him.

KATHMANDU, March 28: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has filed a corruption case against 20 people over irregularities in the purchase of the Mobile Device Management System (MDMS).

The recent scams involving corruptions and misuse of authority that have surfaced have unveiled the distorted face of Nepalese politics and the upper echelons of bureaucracy. Firstly, the instances of corruption and irregularities have proliferated in the country with the direct involvement of politicians and senior bureaucrats.

KATHMANDU, March 20: The ruling alliance on Tuesday unveiled its Common Minimum Policy, Priorities and Resolution, pledging to conclude transitional justice and investigate the corruption of any era in the past.

KATHMANDU, March 5: The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) filed a case in the Special Court on Monday against several individuals including the former head of the District Technical Office, Mugu, on charges of corruption related to irrigation projects.

Corruption and Moral Bases of Democracy

February 29, 2024 08:30 am

A number of economic scandals, being continuously exposed one after another in recent years, have raised grave questions about the moral fabric of Nepal’s democracy. As most of the already unfolded scandals have been found to be treated with an undesirable degree of superficiality, the moral crisis in the Nepali political spectrum is getting further deepened.

KATHMANDU, Feb 28: The Department of Transport Management (DoTM) suspects that there has been corruption amounting to around Rs 10 billion in the illegal issuance of driving licenses.

KATHMANDU, Feb 20: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has filed a corruption case against 19 individuals, including eight forest officers from Kapilvastu, accusing them of corruption by exceeding the permitted amount of tree cutting.

Making CIAA Relevant

February 20, 2024 07:00 am

Many assert that Nepal is a 'paradise' of corruption, making corruption and Nepal synonymous at this time. Such a situation could have been avoided with proper action against corruption.

The government’s commitment to maintain good governance in public administration looks good only on paper as the anti-graft body in the country has painted a bleak picture of the state of corruption – pointing out a large number of flaws in the working mechanism at various government levels.

Nepal has consistently remained in the bottom half of the list of countries where corruption is rampant. This is evident from the latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) released by Transparency International (TI) on Tuesday. The CPI shows that efforts taken so far to control corruption in Nepal have failed to yield any substantial result.

KATHMANDU, Jan 31: Nepal has consistently remained in the bottom half of the list of countries where corruption is rampant. This is evident from the latest Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) launched by Transparency International (TI) on Tuesday.

JANAKPURDHAM, Jan 26: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has filed a corruption case against five people including the chief administrative officer (CAO) of Rupani Rural Municipality, Saptari.

KATHMANDU, Jan 15:  Jitendra Kumar Chaudhary, the then head of Road Division Office, Biratnagar, has been found guilty in a corruption case. The Special Court in Kathmandu found Chaudhary guilty and set a date for sentencing.

DHANUSHA, Jan 4: Chief minister (CM) of Madhesh Province, Saroj Kumar Yadav, has pledged to prevent corruption in the province.

KATHMANDU, Dec 27: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has appealed to the  Supreme Court in the case against the then suspended Director General of Internal Revenue Department (IRD) Chudamani Sharma and others.

KATHMANDU, Dec 24: Renu Kumari Mahato, Deputy Mayor of Gaushala Municipality, Mahottari, has complained that her vehicle was set on fire when she raised her voice in favor of good work.

KATHMANDU, Dec 11: Prime Minister and Chairman of the CPN (Maoist Center) Pushpa Kamal Dahal has refuted allegations of his involvement in the massive corruption in the Ncell share sale case. Speaking during a meeting with Press Center Nepal officials at the party's central office in Paris Danda on Monday, the prime minister expressed objection to the spreading of misinformation against the government and vowed to retaliate against those who spread misinformation.

KATHMANDU, Dec 9: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said the government is making an effort to curb corruption by forging cooperation among government, private sector and civil society. He, however, said the initiatives the government has taken against corruption are inadequate.

KATHMANDU, Dec 7: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said the government is preparing to embark on a next round of battle against 'big scams' of corruption.

KATHMANDU, Nov 13: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has concluded that the trend of registering government land in the name of individuals has led to corruption.

Saving the Nation in Peril

November 7, 2023 08:30 am

Founded on transcendental heritages and religious and spiritual faiths of origin as a Hindu State, Nepal is an independent and indivisible sovereign state never been colonized. Diversities of hill topography, multiethnicity, multilingualism, multiculturalism and multi-religious values and system ensembled the idea of unity in diversity fostering a sense of shared purpose, identity, nationhood, unity, valor and patriotism.

KATHMANDU, Oct 30: 'Efficient civil administration, development, prosperity and good governance' is the slogan of the government. This slogan is prominently displayed on the walls of ministries and government buildings within Singha Durbar. In the government's annual budget, it is mentioned that corruption will be controlled and good governance will be provided for the people. In the Constitution of Nepal and Good Governance (Management and Operation) Act 2064 BS, there is a clear mention of controlling corruption and ensuring good governance.

KATHMANDU, Oct 15: Unorganized, and weak political parties and leaders are blamed for rising corruption in Nepal.

KATHMANDU, Oct 8: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has taken legal action against seven individuals for alleged corruption related to the snake breeding program at the Jhalanath Khanal Institute of Health Sciences.

KATHMANDU, Oct 4: The Special Court has found Assistant Sub Inspector Dilip Karki guilty of embezzling Rs 675,000. A full bench of Justices Yamuna Bhattarai, Shaligram Koirala, Balabhadra Bastola found Karki guilty of embezzling funds of the petrol pump run by the Police Welfare Fund.

KATHMANDU, Oct 3: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has decided not to proceed with the case against nine individuals involved in irregularities related to the National Payment Gateway.

KATHMANDU, Sept 24: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has initiated legal proceedings against five individuals, including the former Chief Administrative Officer of Simraungadh Municipality in Bara, in connection with a corruption case.

Awakening Nepal: A Stark Warning

September 20, 2023 09:30 am

In the land of the Himalayas, where the majestic peaks have long symbolized the heights of human potential, Nepal finds itself at a perilous juncture. It's a nation yearning for change, crying out against corruption that has tainted our very identity on the global stage.

Kathmandu, Aug 29: Chief whip of the main opposition party, CPN-UML, Padam Giri has demanded the government take action against those involved in the Lalita Niwas land-grab scam.

KATHMANDU, Aug 29: Parliamentarian Ashim Shah questioned whether the government would maintain good governance in the country saying that the government was not paying any attention to the fake Bhutanese refugees, Lalita Niwas case, Gaur incident and on the contrary, it was trying to protect the guilty.

Nepal’s Chaotic Corruption Circus

August 24, 2023 15:00 pm

In today’s modern era, trying to judge someone by their appearance is like attempting to decipher a Rubik's Cube while riding a unicycle blindfolded. It's as tricky as figuring out who's a thief, a pickpocket, a robber, or heaven forbid, a politician!

KATHMANDU, Aug 17: Two people arrested in connection with the Lalita Niwas Land scam have been released from detention on Wednesday. However, investigation against them will continue, according to police.

LUMBINI, Aug 11: Chairman of Nepal Samajwadi Party (NSP) Dr Baburam Bhattarai has demanded the formation of a strong and impartial commission to investigate major corruption cases.

The opposition parties’ demand to have an independent commission – parliamentary or judiciary – to investigate the smuggling of nearly one quintal of gold from the airport has raised a fundamental problem that needs to be resolved in the anti-corruption drive in Nepal, that is, who is responsible for controlling corruption in Nepal?

In a significant move towards combating corruption and ensuring accountability, the Supreme Court (SC) has delivered a verdict that sends a clear message: those responsible for financial irregularities will not escape justice, regardless of their position or status.

KATHMANDU, July 30: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal  has said the government's latest endeavors against corruption aiming to promote good governance have instilled a ray of hope among the citizens.

KATHMANDU, July 29: Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha has warned that anyone involved in corruption, fraud and irregularity would be booked irrespective of their family connection and party affiliation.

KATHMANDU, July 21: Minister for Communication and Information Technology Rekha Sharma has asserted that the incumbent government has been taking a tough stance against corruption and is working towards ensuring good-governance since its formation.

The woman power

July 6, 2023 09:00 am

Everyone must have heard this famous liner: There is a woman behind every successful man. There is also a converse liner: There is a woman behind every corrupt man; often more than one.

Anti-Corruption in Crisis

June 30, 2023 09:00 am

Normally, it is corruption that is expected to create a crisis in the economy, in the polity and in society. But it is anti-corruption that is creating a crisis in Nepal.

The recent revival of the Lalita Niwas land grab case has stirred controversy and suspicion, as allegations of political bias and personal vendetta surface. While it is important to address corruption and embezzlement, it is equally crucial to ensure that the investigation remains free from political influence and does not turn into a platform for settling scores or targeting opponents.

KATHMANDU, June 28: The Nepal Red Cross Society is embroiled in controversy once again as political interference and corruption have hindered its operations. The Ministry of Home Affairs recently issued orders for the preparation of its elections, disregarding previous instructions given by the District Administration Office.