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Eleena Chauhan, crows and their eternal cawing

Teary and sad, her eyes distant and withdrawn, Eleena addresses her fans in a pleading tone, “I don’t know how the court matter got out. But instead of publicizing it on a large scale, please ignore it.” 
By Chandra K. Panjiyar

Numerous social-media platforms, including TikTok and Instagram, have recently fallen into a bout of excitement in response to the news of popular singer Eleena Chauhan’s divorce. There has been a feverish surge in the number of videos released per day about her than there ever had been about her songs. Whatever the true reasons behind this avalanche, one point, in any case, can be made with certainty: Eleena has now become, for better or worse, more popular. 

Whether she is basking in this limelight or shrinking away from it, is difficult to establish. However, from her recent video, which is touching for its emotional authenticity, it can be surmised that she is unhappy about the undue attention her personal life has recently begun to receive. Teary and sad, her eyes distant and withdrawn, she addresses her fans in a pleading tone, “I don’t know how the court matter got out. But instead of publicizing it on a large scale, please ignore it.” 

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As usually happens to celebrities, Eleena too has received the very thing she had been trying to brush aside: more attention. Her fans, the lunatic ones mostly, have exercised the audacity to reach out to her husband and threaten him. Eleena had foreseen this and, in fact, she says in the same video, “You can insult me as much as you want, but don’t do that to him. We have decided to divorce by mutual agreement.” While most marriages end in rage, frustration and resentment, in Eleena’s case it seems, at least from her words, that she does not harbor any grudges towards her husband. Her benevolence in itself is admirable and should at least have guaranteed her the peace needed to navigate through this difficult time.

Unfortunately, the reality has been different. Even her fans, by abusing her husband, have added to her anguish. Of course, their intention had been to support her but it has not worked that way. These fans would stop such irresponsible behaviour, at least after the singer’s request, but the judgemental comments being tossed by another group is difficult, if not impossible, to bring to an end. These self-proclaimed veterans of eternal love are known for smirking, abusing and tossing out vulturous comments. On several platforms, including YouTube, right under the video in which she expresses her concern, there are some comments so barbaric that they cast shadow on our ability to empathize. 

Our Nepali society is still patriarchal, no matter how vigorously we boast of modernism. Even among the elites and educated circles, there is a tendency to exchange mindless comments whenever a woman, especially a successful one, falls under the clutches of some pressing problems. These self-proclaimed veterans, self-boasting experts, like the crows on wintry dusk, suffocate their inner emptiness by making noise on the outside. These people are usually those who are embittered with life, and such people, Eleena Ji, as you know from your own experiences, should be ignored and left to do their cawing.


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