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State 2 government appointing state-level employees

DHANUSHA, April 20: State 2 government has initiated a process to make state-level appointments on the posts lying vacant at the ministries and local levels.
By Republica

DHANUSHA, April 20: State 2 government has initiated a process to make state-level appointments on the posts lying vacant at the ministries and local levels.

The State government which has reportedly been mired in human resources crunch is learned to have been doing homework towards that end. Lack of adequate employees has badly affected daily activities and the service seekers are bearing the brunt.

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Chief Minister Lalbabu Raut on April 16 sent a letter to the Chair of the Public Service Commission, urging to not open any vacancies for the State and local provinces citing that the vacancy announcements would be made after the establishment of State Public Service Commission.

The copy of the letter was submitted to the Federal Government for the information. The State Public Service Commission is now preparing to announce first-round of vacancies for several ministries to departments in Saun (starting from mid-July), the first month of a new fiscal year.

Preparations are underway to hire employees from the non-gazzetted second class officer to joint secretary through open competition. As Minister for Internal Affairs and Law Gyanendra Yadav said vacancies under eight services including agriculture, education, health, administration and engineering were being opened.

Gradually, vacancy announcements in all services will be made through a fast-track, he said, pledging impartiality in the appointment process. The State Public Service Commission Bases and Criteria Fixation Bill, 2075 BS enacted by the federal parliament has not been endorsed by the State Assembly.

Minister Yadav said remaining works need to be done before the vacancy announcement would be completed through a fast-track. State government Chief Attorney Deependra Jha said the State Public Service Commission Bill was already registered at the State Assembly and all political parties have tentatively agreed on the document and it will possibly be passed within the next 10 days.  RSS

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