KHOTANG, August 1:The wall built around a playground at Matikhore in Khotang has collapsed seven months after its construction.
The wall was built to protect the ground and the school next to it earlier this year. The construction cost more than Rs 2.7 million. It was built under the aegis of Water Induced Disaster Management Division Office in Okhaldhunga.
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Shubha and Dhruba Construction company(SDCC) had been awarded the contract to build the wall. Locals complained that the wall had collapsed due to negligence on the part of the SDCC. They have accused it of building the wall in a substandard manner.
Sudip Dhakal, Account Officer at Water Induced Disaster Management Division Office in Khotang told Repuplica Online that the SDCC was awarded the contract amounting to Rs 2.7 million although the budget totaling more than Rs 3.1millions was initially allocated.
“The contractor didn’t listen to us when we had told it to build strong wall with parapet,” said Diktel Rupakot Majhuwagadhi Municipality Mayor Deepnaryan Rijal.
The projects under Water Induced Disaster Management Division Office are now operated by Water Resources and Irrigtaion Developemt Division Office following the dissolution of the former.