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Rainfall this season below average

The rainfall this winter season has been below average. From December 1, 2024, to February 27, 2025, only 11.0 millimeters of rainfall has been recorded.
By Republica

Weather to clear up starting today

KATHMANDU, March 2: The rainfall this winter season has been below average. From December 1, 2024, to February 27, 2025, only 11.0 millimeters of rainfall has been recorded.

The Meteorological Forecasting Department calculates average rainfall based on data from 20 centers. During the winter season, the average rainfall is typically 60.1 millimeters, but this year, it is only 18.3 percent of the average rainfall.

A western low-pressure system had been active since Thursday.

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In the last 24 hours, scattered to moderate rainfall occurred across the country. In some areas, local winds also contributed to significant rainfall. The Meteorological Forecasting Department reported that 116.8 millimeters of rain fell in Murchuchi Bazar, Udaypur. In other areas, rainfall was recorded as follows: 9.4 millimeters in Majhuwa Ghat, Dhankuta; 7.2 millimeters in Mool Ghat, Dhankuta; 14.6 millimeters in Dolakha; 6.2 millimeters in Khotang; 7.4 millimeters in Sindhuli; and 9.2 millimeters in Doti.

The system that entered on Thursday brought rain to Kathmandu on Friday and Saturday. This is also the first rainfall of this winter season.

The winter rain and snowfall have stopped since Sunday. The  Meteorological Forecasting Division (MFD) under the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology has said that no significant weather system affecting the country will bring rain today.

The MFD has predicted a possibility of partial cloudiness in the mountainous regions of Koshi Province on Sunday.

Similarly, there is also a chance of partial cloudiness in the mountainous regions of the Bagmati and Gandaki provinces. The rest of the country will remain completely clear, according to the division.

Farmers in the hilly regions are happy after the long-awaited rainfall. It is the time to plant crops like maize in the mid-hill and mountainous regions. Additionally, this rainfall has provided relief to winter crops such as pulses, oilseeds, and wheat.



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