KATHMANDU, May 31: The government on Wednesday again re-scheduled the second round of local elections in the 461 local units of 41 districts for June 28, with a view to facilitating poll participation by members of the Muslim community.
Before rescheduling the polls, the government consulted the election commissioners and other stakeholders.
This is the government’s third deferral of the polls. Initially, it had decided to conduct local elections across the country at a single go on May 14. But it then decided to conduct them in two phases.
Local election in Kotahimai rescheduled for June 30

As per the government decision, the EC conducted first phase local elections in Provinces 3, 4 and 6.
After holding the first phase polls, the government decided to defer the second phase to June 23, saying this would help bring the reluctant political parties on board the election exercise.
And now the poll has been deferred yet again so that the date will not overlap with the Muslim festival of Ramadan.
Following its decision to re-schedule the second phase polls for June 28, the EC on Wednesday also revised the election calendar.
A board meeting of the EC has set June 16 as the date for candidacy nominations. The name list of the candidates will be published the same day. As per the election calendar, members of the public can register any complaints against candidates on June 17. The
EC will examine the nominations the same day and on the following day. On June 18, the EC will publish the list of approved candidates. The same day, the candidates will get time to withdraw from the race if they so wish. On June 19, the EC will publish the final list of candidates and provide them their election symbols.
On June 28, voters can cast their ballots from 7 am to 5 pm.