KATHMANDU, March 27: The national census, which is conducted every 10 years, is scheduled to start on May 9, 2021. This time, the census will be conducted in two phases, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS). The CBS has saids that the first phase of data collection for the census will be carried out in 20 days from May 9 to May 28, 2021 and the second phase will take place for 15 days from June 8 to June 22, 2021.
Deputy Director General at the CBS, Dilliraj Joshi said that the data would be collected by the supervisor from the doorstep of each person which will include details of houses and household members, number of family members living in the family, family related to agriculture, loan, bank account, government grant house construction and vocational training. He said that the enumerators will collect the demographic and other details of the households and individuals through the main questionnaire form.
National Census 2021: Gender ratio is 95 men per 100 women

Deputy Director General Joshi said that details related to the basic resources, means, capacity and infrastructure of each ward would be collected through ward level community questionnaire. He said that the main purpose of the census is to ensure that no one is left out and no one is left behind. “The census will be conducted for the first time with 753 local governments across the country with three separate questionnaire forms,” he said.
The national census is conducted once every 10 years with the objective of providing periodic demographic data required for population management, information on population trends and characteristics and providing demographic data and indicators for formulating policies and programs for public welfare.
The first census was held in Nepal 1968 BS. The National Census of 2021 is the 12th census of Nepal and the first census of the federal system as per the Constitution of Nepal 2015.