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Micro laptop major crowdpuller at ICT Trade Fair

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KATHMANDU, July 2: Baleyo micro laptop introduced by Sagar Infosys has turned out to be the showstopper at the third edition of ICT Info Trade Fair.

Among 110 stalls displaying various brands of desktops and laptops, mobile phones, iPods, DVD players, printers, woofers, pen drives and projectors, Baleyo micro laptops have been able to pull the largest number of visitors and have so far received booking for 4,000 units. [break]

“More than 3,000 units of micro laptops were booked on the very first day. We have already received booking for more than 4,000 units,” said Basu Dev Lakhe, managing director of Sagar Infosys. “We had introduced the laptops just for display purpose. But we started taking bookings as the response turned out to be so overwhelming.”

Lakhe said the company targets to receive 10,000 booking during the five-day event. He further added that the company starts delivery of laptops within three weeks.

“As we are getting overwhelming response for the laptops especially from students, we are launch special promotional campaigns at different schools and colleges to promote the laptop,” Lakhe added.

The micro laptop costing Rs 6,500 (exclusive of VAT) is an upgraded version of a mobile phone and has Windows CE operating system.

It is not just the micro laptop that is stealing the show. Other varieties of economical and handy devices such as rechargeable fans, photo printers for household purpose, mobile sets, laptop accessories such as mini key board and mouse, and pen drives are some other popular products at the show.

ICT Trade Fair has introduced technology in a trendy and economical way and this can be projected through uniquely designed mobile handset available in the fair. Alcatel´s square shaped handset, which is meant for youngsters willing to create style through gadgets, speaks about the fair´s ability to tap on young customers.

“Products other than laptops are turning out be the major attraction in the event. The fair has been able to pull even larger crowds due to attractive discount schemes offered by the stalls,” said CN Upadhyaya, coordinator of ICT. Rechargeable fans and domestic photo printer are the other products that are attracting visitors.

“The popularity of rechargeable fans than can operate for two to three hours without electricity is on the rise as it can be used even if there is power cut,” he added.

Visitors at ICT Trade Fair can enjoy 10 percent discount on the fan that is originally priced Rs 3,600. Household photo printers are being sold at Rs 12,000.

Upadhyaya said mobile phone stalls are offering 5 to 25 percent discount and laptop dealers are giving as much as 15 percent discount along with additional packages.

The fair also has on display products from major IT and telecom brands such as Acer, BenQ, Epson, Foxcom, HCL, HP, Hyundai, Intel, Kaspersky, Lenovo, Lexmark, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, Motorola, Nokia, Philips, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Sukam and Toshiba, among others.

The organizers expect more than 300,000 people to visit the five-day fair. The fair saw more than 80,000 visitors on the very first day.

Baleyo Micro Laptop

Rs: 7,345

128/256 MB Memory

MS word Pad

MSN, Internet, e-mail

2GB NANDA Drive Storage

7 inch LCD panel

800x480 resolution

1hr to 3 hrs battery backup

Wi-fi, USB port

SD card slot

(Optional with higher storage and memory RS 10,170 for 4GB NAND drive and 512 MB)

ICE3 Mobile by Alcatel

Rs 11,800

2.4 inch TFT 320x240

262k color display

2 Mega pixel camera

Music player with micro SD (up to 8GB)

Push social networking updates

CICO Rechargeable Fan

Original Price: Rs 3,600

Discounted Price: Rs: 3,240

3 to 4 hours of operation during power cuts

1 year warranty

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