KATHMANDU, April 2: Management Association of Nepal (MAN) is organizing CEO Conference-2022 on April 8 in Kathmandu.
The apex organization for management professionals in Nepal has expected to contribute to the recovery of the sectors largely affected by the coronavirus pandemic through the conclave. The conference being organized with the theme ‘Re-engineering management: survival, revival and growth,’ will be witnessing over 300 professionals from various sectors.
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Anil Upadhayay, Executive Director of MAN, said they will be forwarding the conference as a platform for knowledge-sharing and knowledge enhancement for the post COVID recovery phase. “The output from the conference is expected to provide a roadmap to the authorities concerned on policy interventions towards seven priority sectors including insurance, banking and tourism, among others,” said Upadhayay.
In the last four decades of its establishment, MAN has been able to bring together management professionals from Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Macau, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, New Zealand, Australia and South Korea. It holds strong ties to a number of well-known professional organizations that include the American Management Association, the All-India Management Association, North India Management Association and New Delhi’s PHD Chamber.