Live in the moment
We become so obsessed with the past and the fear of the future that we forget to live in the moment. Life is to be lived and enjoyed in the present. Every moment of life is precious and unpredictable at the same time.
Avoid comparisons
Essential tests

In this age of social media, you are bound to compare yourself to others. Comparisons negatively impact your self-esteem. It is okay to keep in touch with what others are doing in life but don’t let their choices get to you. Be confident in your own skin and capabilities.
Eat healthily
There is no way to better way to ensure a productive life than eating healthy. But a healthy meal doesn’t mean you have to restrict yourself to a strict diet. Eat a balanced meal. Also, remember to bring changes in your meal plan once in a while so that you are not bored.
Take risks
Life is an adventurous journey. Keep setting yourself to new tasks and strive to achieve them. When you look back at the time you challenged yourself and took risks for the better, you will definitely be proud of yourself.