Photo Courtesy: Bishal Rajbhandari
Callijatra and Nepal Lipi Guthi organized first Lipi Guff at Foyer, Jhamsikhel on Saturday. The event was an informal meet-up organized to encourage idea sharing and implementation of Ranjana and Nepal Lipi amongst youths and in the mainstream media as per a press statement released by Callijatra.
The press statement quoting Member of Parliament Rajesh Shakya shared, “I am proud to see the attendance in this program, especially the youths. It is something I have always felt strongly about and it is amazing to see the next generation so involved in preservation of our heritage.”
Some glimpses of Nepal’s first ‘Lipi Nakha’

It added that a total of 75 participants from various age groups attended the event, including designers, artists and more.
The event started with a short presentation on Callijatra and how far the team has come in its first year of operation. “We are proud to say that we have organized 27 workshops in and out of Kathmandu valley reaching more than 4000 participants,” it quoted Sunita Dangol, Program coordinator of Callijatra and the Emcee of the event. “It is extremely important that technology and youths are utilized to popularize Ranjana Lipi,” shared Ananda Maharjan, Program coordinator of Callijatra.
The event then split into discussion groups with each groups making their short presentations on “How to promote Ranjana, Nepal Lipi and Nepal Bhasa?”
Anil Sthapit, VP of Nepal LipiGuthi, expressed the organization’s commitment toward preservation of the language and script to the event. He also stated that a teaching program for the instruction of Nepal Bhasa was completed and would be offered to the general public soon.
Shakya announced that Nepal Lipi Guthi was provided Rs 5 million to Nepal Lipi Guthi for the preservation of Nepal Bhasa and Lipi. “In order to popularize Ranjana and Nepal Lipi, we are orgranizing “LipiNakha: Ranjana and Nepal Lipi Art Festival” this Saturday, June 29, an open event and we hope that this will continue the resurgence of Ranjana Lipi in the mainstream,” said NiranjanTamrakar.