KATHMANDU, Feb 4: Finance Minister Dr Prakash Saran Mahat has made a major bureaucratic reshuffle within the ministry.
He has given the responsibility of Director General of Inland Revenue Department (IRD) to Bhupal Baral. A ministerial decision made on Friday evening decided to give him the responsibility of Director General of the IRD. The incumbent Director General of the IRD Dirgha Raj Mainal, has been transferred to the Public Finance Management Office.
FinMin Pun initiates bureaucratic reshuffle in finance ministry...

Chief of Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) Customs Office Dr. Tok Raj Pandey has been transferred to the ministry. He has been assigned the responsibility of the head of the administration division of the Ministry of Finance. Sewantak Pokharel has been given the responsibility of the TIA customs office. He is currently serving as Deputy Director General of the Department of Customs (DoC).
Likewise, Inland Revenue Department Deputy Director General Tanka Pandey has been given the responsibility of Deputy Director General of DoC. Mahesh Acharya, head of the Administration Division of the ministry, has been given the responsibility of the Policy Analysis division.
Baburam Bhandari, Head of the Policy and Analysis Division of the ministry, has retired. He was bid farewell on Friday.