KATHMANDU, Nov 16: Export earnings of Nepali coffee soared by 66.37 percent to Rs 96 million in fiscal year 2020/21 despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has grappled the global economy.
The records of Nepal Tea and Coffee Development Board (NTCDB) show that Nepali coffee has been fetching good prices in the international market. Last year, the country made earnings of Rs 96 million by exporting 72.48 tons of Nepali coffee while the country’s expense during the same period was Rs 106.7 million from import of 198.76 tons of foreign brands.
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Bishnu Prasad Bhattarai, executive director of NTCDB, said there is an increase in demand for Nepali coffee abroad. “As importers are also willing to give high prices to our product, it shows high prospects of earning foreign currencies from its business abroad,” Bhattarai said.
There are over 100 coffee species. The two main varieties that are widely produced and sold are Arabica and Robusta. Nepal produces and exports Arabica coffee which is typically grown at a height of 1,000 to 2,000 meters.
Compared to the high demand, the domestic production, however, is very low. Nepal produces only around 297 tons of green beans, out of which only 25 percent is exported to foreign markets.