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Explosive goes off in Siraha

By No Author
LAHAN, APRIL 4: An explosive material has been exploded at the quarters of Suresh Raut, a planning officer at Siraha District Development Committee (DDC) office on Wednesday night.

The explosion has caused minor damage in the building after the fire gutted chairs, curtains and others materials in the building, Jaya Kumar Siwakoti, an account officer at the office informed.[break]

The Terai-based underground outfit, Terai Communist Party has claimed its hand in the explosion.

Making the telephone call to the journalists, Bhaskar Mukti, identified as Mithila deputy commander of party said that they carried out the act to protest the embezzlement and corruption of the funds allocated for Madhes at the DDC.

The incident has created fear in the area among the locals. On Friday also, the same outfit had carried out an explosion at the quarters of Local Development Officer, Bijaya Raj Subedi.

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