Nripendra Jung Basnet, 20, studying at Kathmandu School of Law, says, “I would tell the person that my phone’s or laptop’s battery is low, and if I’m with the person, then I would tell him to shut up.”
While the low-battery excuse is quite a common and useful one, telling the person to shut up would really ruffle his feathers.
Nirajan Pudasaini shares that he would use the “internet is so slow today” excuse to avoid people.
Most of us can perhaps relate to what Sulav Dahal has to say. He says, “At first, I would avoid eye contact with the person. However, if I’m caught then I would make an excuse saying that I need to use the toilet. If I happen to be in college, I would tell him that the principal is calling me.”
In our Facebook page, Phoenix Infinity Pradhan says, “I’ll tell the person that I’ll call him back. And then I would simply forget about doing any such thing.”
Prasim Gurung says, “I think setting an alarm on the phone and using it as a fake call should work. I would apologize to the person and say that since it’s urgent, I need to rush home.”
If the phone doesn’t ring in the middle of the fake call, then the excuse should just work!
Headaches, insects and yachts; excuses for not filing British t...