After the successful show in India, Surya Performance Lab—a contemporary dance theatre company based in Auroville near Pondicherry is set to showcase its new production entitled ‘VAST’ in Nepal. Presented by Alliance Française de Kathmandu (AFK), a new performing art is scheduled to run one show at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture (RCSC) on November 7.
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Directed and choreographed by Philippe Pelen Baldini, the one-hour-long performing act will reconnect the spectators with ‘nature and its vastness’, as per press statement issued by Alliance Française de Kathmandu (AFK).
The press statement further stated that it is the story of a Nepali young man played by Gopal Dalami, a young contemporary dancer from India as a Nepali who was forced to leave his Himalayan Mountains.
He will be performing the contemporary dance, theatre, vocal work, aerial dance among others to explore the inner territory between confinement and vastness. Beyond all ruptures and exiles, it is a process of reconnection with the Himalaya in a metaphorical sense. He will be exploring free movements in three dimensions.