Photo Courtesy: Anwesha Khadka/Republica
Every year Kathmandu University, School of Arts, Department of Arts and Design (KU Art+Design) organizes graduating students’ BFA exhibition, an exhibition of the artworks from the students who have rigorously practiced arts in their 4-year academic journey. Moreover, this year’s exhibition that kicked off on July 19 was different from KU Art+Design’s past BFA exhibitions.
The 12 th edition of exhibition entitled ‘Belonging’ is the presentation of students’ artwork, studying courses like Graphic Communication and Studio Art in KU. A total of 16 students’ artwork has garnered the galleries of Nepal Art Council, Baber Mahal. And this year the artworks are not displayed separately like before.
“Unlike other years we have placed Graphic Communication and Studio Art in the same room. We have focused on IT portion like developing apps. We have used technology in a two-way process such as; how technology is helping everyone and how children are drifting away from family due to technology. Then we have used things from our homes to express traditional art as well,” says Shubha Joshi one of the student and participant of the exhibition.
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The program was inaugurated by Prof Dr Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, the vice chancellor of Kathmandu University. “Art is one of the best ways to express your feelings and ideas. I am proud of the students and teachers who have helped each other know their potential. And this exhibition is a beautiful result where there is fusion between art and technology,” he said.
Moreover, ‘Graphic Communication’ deals with the problem solving attitude to address various prevalent topics and inner calls as creative individuals. Meanwhile, ‘Studio Art’ deals with enjoying and delving into personal universe. Two groups of students have expressed graphic communication and studio art in the most convincing and attractive way.
“From returning to one’s root or embarking on an attempt to revive one’s neglected culture, or weaving travelogues to recollecting buried memories—they have let their creativity flow and find their right places. This is what the title itself wants to express,” said Sujan Chitrakar, HoD of KU Art + Design.
The exhibition features themes such as sexual violence against women, misuse of technology, advantages of technology, being independent, among others in the forms of installations, paintings, comic books, app and more.
One of the viewers, Ashmita Bhatta from New Baneshwar said, “I really like the way the exhibition comprises of the elements that show the problem and solution prevailing in our society. I will really recommend my friends to be here and enjoy the essence of art before the exhibition is over.”
The exhibition will run till July 24 opening from 11:00 am to 6:00pm.