KATHMANDU, May 16: Service seekers have been facing problems after the government stopped accreditation of 'smart' driving license.
The service seekers visiting the office for this purpose have been facing problems as they are unaware about the closure of the service. Although the government has closed the service from September 2018, service seekers are found visiting the office every day, according to the Transport Management Office of state-3, Ekantakuna.
Closure of accreditation service for smart driving license hits...

The Transport Management Office has been accrediting of smart driving license of other countries after the government started distributing 'smart' driving license from this office. Office Chief Damber Bahadur Chand said that now the office has been accrediting driving license of only the employees of diplomatic missions. Most of them visiting the office for the service are those who have returned from work and studies in foreign countries, he said.
The number visiting the office for the service is two to three people on a daily basis. "Some understand us. But others try to pick a dispute after they are told that the service has been closed," he said. Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport of the state is not bothered to resume the service.