British envoy calls on CoAS Sharma to discuss about latter's upcoming UK visit

Published On: October 5, 2023 09:29 AM NPT By: Republica  | @RepublicaNepal

KATHMANDU, Oct 5: British ambassador to Nepal, Rob Fenn, on Wednesday paid a courtesy call on Chief of Army Staff (CoAS), Prabhu Ram Sharma.

The meeting was held at the Nepal Army's headquarters in Bhadrakali and centered on discussions about the army chief's upcoming visit to the United Kingdom commencing on October 8. The CoAS will be leaving here for a six-day official visit to the UK at an invitation of British army chief General Sir Patrick Sanders.

The visit will conclude on October 13. During the Wednesday meeting, both sides exchanged views on matters of bilateral interest and mutual concerns, according to the NA Directorate for Public Relations and Information.


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