KATHMANDU, Feb 9: The Supreme Court (SC) postponed all cases on Sunday after scheduling them for hearings. The SC made this decision due to the demise of Justice Arbinda Nath Acharya. Acharya passed away on Friday at the age of 86 years and 9 months.
Since Saturday was a public holiday, the SC convened a full court meeting on Sunday and postponed all hearings to mourn over the demise of Justice Acharya, said SC Information Officer Nirajan Pandey.
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Born on January 27, 1939, in Maitidevi, Acharya joined government service in 1962 and later entered the judicial service. The SC appointed Acharya as a justice on January 15, 2003, and he served until April 25, 2012.
When a sitting justice passes away, the SC customarily holds a full court meeting and publicly suspends all hearings. In accordance with that practice, the SC announced that no bench would sit on Sunday, and no hearings would take place.