Paddy is planted in 1,526,351 hectares of cultivable land of the country. But plantation has been done in 1,175,020 hectares this season. Progress of paddy plantation is 95 percent each in far-western and mid-western development regions. Similarly, plantation has been completed in 83 percent and 78 percent of paddy fields in western and central development regions, respectively. Similarly, progress of plantation is eastern region stands at 75 percent. [break]
The progress report shows major producing districts have reported low plantation this year as well. Dhanusha, Kapilbastu and Banke have reported lowest plantation progress of 30 percent, 45 percent and 50 percent, respectively.
Tarai districts supply surplus food grains to hills and mountainous districts facing food shortage.
Speaking at a press conference on Friday, Vijoy Kumar Mallick, joint secretary at MoAD said Dhanusha has reported lowest progress, owing to low rainfall in the district. “Though the district received sufficient rainfall at the beginning of monsoon, farmers couldn´t take benefit from it as they were yet to prepare paddy sapling,” said Mallick. Farmers in Tarai districts generally plant paddy at the end of July. These districts have got sufficient rainfall by now.”
Officials also attributed migration of youths or a portion of active population to labor markets abroad to lower plantation this year. Last year, Dhanusha, Siraha and Saptari were among the districts with low plantation figures.
After yields from major grain baskets like Dhanusha, Mahottari and Siraha started declining, the country started import of food grains, including rice, from 2009.
Meanwhile, the government has distributed seeds of flood-tolerant paddy to flood-hit farmers in far-western and mid-western development regions, according to Jaya Mukunda Khanal, secretary at MoAD. The ministry has distributed flood-tolerant paddy seeds to farmers in flood-hit areas of Mahakali and Karnali.
Khanal also said the ministry has requested the Central Natural Disaster Rescue Committee of Ministry of Home Affairs to provide it Rs 110 million so that it can distribute relief to flood-hit farmers.
Plantation completed in 50% of paddy fields in 14 districts