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Twitter responds to Musk’s claims, calls them ‘excuses’

Twitter responds to Musk’s claims, calls them ‘excuses’

- by Associated Press

Twitter denied in a court filing that it had deprived its would-be acquirer, billionaire and Tesla CEO Elon Musk, of necessary information or misrepresented details about its business. Musk originally made those charges to justify his attempt to back out of a $44 billion deal to buy the social platform, which he later claimed was infested with much larger numbers of “spam bots” and fake accounts than Twitter had disclosed.

The Business Of Metaverse

The Business Of Metaverse

- by Saroj Wagle

Have you ever heard about the metaverse? It is a set of technologies that allow for persistent, digital representations connected to aspects of the real world, like people, places, and things. Firstly, let us briefly understand the history of ‘metaverse’ by the term itself. The first use of the term ‘metaverse’ was in the 1992 science fiction novel “Snow Crash”, by Neal Stephenson, which described a single virtual world separate from the physical world. Other books, video games and content expanded on this concept, creating virtual worlds in “Ready Player One,” (which called its shared VR reality “the OASIS”), “The Matrix”, and “Second Life”, to name a few examples.

Dev Patel helped stop a violent altercation involving a knife fight in Australia

Dev Patel helped stop a violent altercation involving a knife fight in Australia

- by Agencies

Dev Patel stepped up to become a real-life hero as reports reveal that he tried to stop a violent altercation that broke out outside a convenience store in Adelaide, Australia. As reported by 7News about the incident, a man and a woman were fighting in the street and in a convenience store when the man was stabbed. He is expected to survive.

Simple ways to give back to the environment

Simple ways to give back to the environment

- by Manawi Shah

There are simple ways that you can do every day in order to help our environment. All these things are easy to accomplish on a day to day basis, and perhaps you can encourage your friends and family to do the same. The smallest of these changes create the biggest of effects on the environment. Good luck.

Conjoined twins separated with the help of virtual reality

Conjoined twins separated with the help of virtual reality

- by BBC

BBC reports, Brazilian twins who were joined at the head have been successfully separated with the help of virtual reality. Three-year-olds Bernardo and Arthur Lima underwent surgeries in Rio de Janeiro, with direction from Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

Perhaps the new generation can be free from menstrual taboos

Perhaps the new generation can be free from menstrual taboos

- by Manawi Shah

Menstruation still continues to be a taboo in Nepal, despite several ill practices being outlawed by the Supreme Court of Nepal in 2005. In spite of many protests, the ill practices for this moment still remain in the country, more extreme than in the West. Better known in Nepal as, ‘Chhaupadi’ (menstrual shed), this menstrual taboo has caused women and girls to be exposed to health risks, and disengage from family activities, and daily routines. If you may not be aware of the term ‘Chhaupadi’, it originated from the western parts of the country, sprouting through superstitions and myths. People from some Far-West districts believe that menstruation causes women to be impure temporarily.

Gluttonous cosmic 'black widow' is heaviest-known neutron star

Gluttonous cosmic 'black widow' is heaviest-known neutron star

- by Reuters

Astronomers have observed the most massive known example of an object called a neutron star, one classified as a "black widow" that got particularly hefty by gobbling up most of the mass of a stellar companion trapped in an unhappy cosmic marriage.