Rajeeb Shrestha

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Published On: February 13, 2020 06:00 PM NPT By: Rajeeb Shrestha

What do you wanna say?

What do you wanna say?

By touching my heart,
what are you trying to say?
what are you trying to convey
by performing such a mellow act?

The surrounding seems to change
in a gentle smile of thine,
I would like to sing
a life-lullaby
if you ask-
I would like to
keep on
writing all those memories
that we've shared
so far so good
and mesmerize how
my life moves ahead
upon your virtues

you're my life force
and you taught me to
tread troublesome trails of life
and why don't you utter
what you are trying to state
By merely touching my heart?

slammed, valentine,

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