Rajeeb Shrestha

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Published On: October 18, 2019 08:00 AM NPT By: Rajeeb Shrestha

Sex and the city

Sex and the city


Slowly but steadily

and gradually,

the city of Gods has

turned down

the city of Devils


Here, there and everywhere

rumors rattled

of scandalized affair

between elite Casanovas

the heresy of raunchy rakes

running down to civic den

with bottles of booze

in hands,

Public being amassed

in musings,

Is it two to tango?

or false face flubbing

in the state of art?


No-one has yet

 spilled the bean

So far so good,

God knows what happens next

in this squalid city

of scandalous hypers!!

SEX, CITY, slammed,

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