Rajeeb Shrestha

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Published On: December 3, 2020 07:47 AM NPT By: Rajeeb Shrestha

Plastic Flowers

Plastic Flowers

Those bunch of 
Bright, blushing and bold 
Yellow sunflowers
looks so aesthetic.

Though not aromatic, 
looks so dramatic
Charmingly placed on my windowpane
in a perfect ceramic vase
These flowers in plastic are 
magnificently marvelous
Lilac, Roses, Tulips or Lilies.'

You name it
and you'll find them 
filling purposes of human lives 
and are always super-fantastic.

Yet, they aren't realistic
They look majestically mesmerizing
and keep on realizing us.

We shouldn't fade, fling or fall
at any circumstance
but stand still in our exact place 
And, shine on radiantly ravishing 
Since life is just a boon for blooming!!

flower, sunflowers, slammed,

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