Rajeeb Shrestha

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Published On: September 11, 2019 09:20 AM NPT By: Rajeeb Shrestha

Kumari: The living goddess

Kumari: The living goddess


In an attempt of transformation

From humanity to divinity;

A child is bewildered,

Bewitched and be-tumbled

 Into some trials.

Is it transcendental or is it real?

The test of grotesque shadows,

A human child hunting the horrible masks,

A tiny little girl being led through

The beheaded heads' trail

She needn't fear such a flare!


Finally, she's crowned

A divine being

She becomes a supreme

Living Goddess!!

Bedecked with red attire,

Clamped in clamor,

Residing in divinely domicile,

What a titanic tribute to her tribe!

But, as she oozes

Her own clots, how-so-ever,

she's bethrown from her crown


Suddenly then, her life becomes

A bed of thorn, living a life

Of an earthly being

From that of heavenly being

Is of course not

A piece of cake

To dwell a life of fake!



Kumari, Living_Goddess, Nepal,

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