Rajiv Sharma

Published On: July 12, 2016 09:47 AM NPT By: Rajiv Sharma

Job search: Don’t follow the herd

Job search: Don’t follow the herd

We witness business graduates who are spending a good amount of their post college time in job searching.  It seems that since their early college days, they have already programmed themselves regarding which industry they would want to work in. So, the obvious choice for many of them would be banking. But after several failed attempts in securing jobs at their preferred companies, much of their time is wasted and a huge gap is created in between the time of their graduation and their first day at work. 
In order to reduce graduation and employment gap candidates need to be innovative regarding their job search. There are many industries that give ample of space for career growth and satisfying financial rewards. These are the places where there is virtually no competition as compared to other popular jobs. Jobholders are finding it easier to become visible and make meaningful contribution at these innovative avenues.  Let’s explore some innovative places for you to secure the most satisfying jobs. 
Education Institutes 
With the spur in colleges and schools the demand for qualified human resources is high. Education institutes are growing and they require competent people to sustain themselves. Many institutes have excellent compensation and benefit packages for their staffs. There are many positions in the offer, such as finance executive, administrator, admission officer, brand and promotion manager, placement officer and program coordinators. Even the entry-level jobs such as receptionist, administration assistant and cashier are great way to enter into an ever growing Education industry.  

Media Houses
Print media is another avenue where business students can explore their career. It is proving to be lucrative in terms for the post of administrator, HR manager, and marketing and brand managers. Moreover, if you are interested in writing then the editorial department will be very welcoming towards business graduates. There is some gap in business journalism in Nepal, which can be fulfilled by writers with a business background.  Usually most of the media houses are spearheaded by communication and/or journalism graduates, so for a business student it would be a massive territory to explore.

IT Companies 
IT companies can’t be merely run by programmers alone. It requires some management expertise in terms of hiring, retaining and growing its human resources. Few well established companies have found themselves in trouble when international companies hired all their top-notch programmers. After losing their most competent employees they struggled to sustain and later had to close down.  Here too, exists an opportunity to explore for many business graduates.
Moreover, as the number is growing and the competition increasing, IT companies are in dire need of competent employees who have the right blend with both technical-skills and business-skills and can understand both IT and management jargons. They require those passionate professionals who can negotiate well, have the ability to convince people and also understand the technical matters of their clients.

Like IT companies, Hospitals also require business graduates. A hospital not only has doctors and nurses, but it also staffs other human resources such as receptionist, cleaners, maintenance workers, appointment coordinator and so on. And they are not managed by doctors. Similarly, procurement and logistics department that deals daily hospital supplies also require competent business graduates. This department deals with inventory management, supply chain management and vendor relationship management where business skills are utterly vital for smooth functioning of the hospitals. 

The author is associated with Jobs Dynamics Pvt. Ltd., an organization driven towards providing the widest range of job solutions to people looking for work in Nepal. He can be reached at rajiv@jobsdynamics.com.

job, search, dont, follow, herd,

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