Sushant Thapa

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Published On: June 15, 2021 09:49 PM NPT By: Sushant Thapa



Family institutionalized you 
You build your first subjectivity and follow the rules; 
While you learn to break it. 
Your mistakes are soaked and dried in the sun and shade 
By your ménages; 
They are your pilgrims on a long journey. 
Fam makes you learn your first alphabet leading to 
Form sentences and an entire autobiography of life. 
Family is the free university where you meet the first strangers and feel like them. 
Even differences get accepted, and time does not steal 
Your golden years of solitude and youth. 
Nails that hold the family frame 
Last as long as your soulful concrete abode 
An alcove of memories burns the lighted candle of togetherness. 
You begin from the cold steel hospital bed and 
Make it to your decorated, playful bedroom. 
The leaf of family charm grows and has a beginning. 
It is a beginning with no end; 
Like the binding tree roots. 
Although, parents depart from your life as 
Their age unfurls the carpet of time— 
They make you the new leader with all the ideas to form a new family again. 
They equip you with the idea of family to form a family tree anew.                                

Home is your first school and family is your first teacher.


family, mistakes, learn,

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