Sushant Thapa

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Published On: October 10, 2021 03:38 PM NPT By: Sushant Thapa



Green fields appear luxuriously green 
In a shareable moment from a 
Window seat of a local bus. 
The local air greets welcome to all. 
There is a landmark in the blue sky 
When your hidden heart wants 
To rise from the low.
The air is a misty rain; 
It can wet your lighter feelings and 
Let you know secretly that you want to
Add and embrace the whole world. 
Rolling under your feet the globe 
Is a treat for the sun and stars. 
You become free like the flight of a bird; 
The calmness taming the waterfall 
Is like your ticking time. 
Nature wakes up in your one look 
When you uncover your glorious eyes. 

slammed, emotion, embrace,

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