Rajeeb Shrestha

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Published On: August 30, 2019 09:35 AM NPT By: Rajeeb Shrestha

Cosmopolitan Cry

Cosmopolitan Cry

Photo Courtesy: Pinterest

The dungeon dwellers of

a downtown city say:

"All that glitters is not gold!"

well. sophisticated gigs

of a cosmopolitan

seems always shimmered

in a shining sparkle

in a life of fake falter

The bees of buzzing vehicles

fishy but flashy scowls

strenuous yet showy

the monotonous masks

behind the masquerade

one-man show


one-act play


one-night stand

the show must go on...

that is the cosmopolitan conduct,

so far so good-

keep on fluttering

for a far cry of flubs!!

and, that's the city life blobs babes!!

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