Published On: May 27, 2022 02:30 PM NPT By: Manawi Shah

5 Things you could do this summer

5 Things you could do this summer

Photo by: Angelo Pantazis on Unsplash

If you're wondering what to do this summer, here are five tips for you

Have a picnic with your friends

Photo: Signature MD

A picnic is a great way of spending time with your friends and family, under a low budget and keeping this minimalistic. During this, you may want to wear a cute outfit, perhaps make food for yourselves and enjoy the beautiful weather under the sun. 


 Photo:Everyday Health

Baking is super fun, getting to try out new ingredients and of course, eating them in the end! Spending a few hours of your day, learning how to make a new recipe would be a great use of your time. You can perhaps encourage your family members to join and bake with you, a great way to interact and have fun.


Photo: Curved NY

Hiking is a great way to keep your body moving, as well as enjoy the nature of the outdoors. Going by yourself may let you find ways to relax, and enjoy time with yourself. However, going with family and friends may bring an adventure and fun. 

Try out a cuisine you haven’t before

Photo: Nomfluence

Trying out new types of food is always an experiment for yourself; you may not enjoy it or you may end up falling in love with it. Go out and try finding a cuisine that isn't the same as your culture, and who knows, maybe you would find your favorite dish.

Explore historical sites 

Photo: Full Time Explorer

Exploring your country's historical sites is certainly a blessing in disguise. Exploring allows you to understand, and educate yourself better about your country's history which is always intriguing. Perhaps making a journal as you travel through the historical places, creating a memoir may keep you more engaged and active. 


tips, summer, travel,

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