An American author, Stephen King, once said, “We never know which lives we influence, or when, or why.” To add, we have lived millions of moments and despite all of it, there are still so many things to learn. It’s a never-ending cycle.
Moin Uddin worked in a media before he decided; he’d join as a fellow to ‘Teach For Nepal’ movement. Currently, he teaches English in Shree Terse Secondary School, Talamarang, Sindhupalchowk. Besides his passion for teaching, he writes poems and makes vlogs daily.
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Regardless of how many people compete and call themselves a true teacher, Uddin believes the only thing required for sharing knowledge is a passion for inspiring. “College degrees are important but what really requires is a strong desire to educate. You know, we feel happy when students learn what we’ve taught. Students can learn courses at home if they give an interest in it. We just inspire students to choose their own path.”
Basically, it’s a common mindset that teachers enter the classroom to teach. However, it is completely surprised when a teacher comes out with learning something from the students. Adding to the point, Uddin says, “We are called as teachers because that’s what we applied for. But when we look in a bird’s eye view, we are all sharing knowledge. I teach the students and the students teach me. That’s what, interaction is very important for me.”
Uddin wishes to see his students doing what they love in the future. “If my students want to be a dancer or scientist or photographer or anything, it’s my main job to lead them to the path,” he adds.