LALITPUR, May 11: Smart lights are to be installed at the main roads of Lalitpur Metropolitan City (LMC) in order to create an environment to ease the movement of people as vehicles during the night.
The smart lights are to be installed with the collaboration of Lalitpur Metropolitan City and Nepal Electricity Authority.
LMC installs intelligent traffic lights at five locations in La...

A spokesperson at the Metropolitan City, Raju Maharjan, said that smart lights would be installed at five main roads of the area-- Kupandole to Lagankhel via Pulchowk, Pulchowk to Gwarko via Mangalbazar, Kupandole to Mangalbazaar via Patandhoka, Ekantakuna to Bungamati and Satdobato to Dhapakhel.
The smart light is different as compared to other street light. Smart lights turn on automatically when people and vehicles reached there and turn off automatically when they move from there. RSS