16-year-old Safalta Nepali won the title of 'Miss Face of Hetauda 2019’. She was crowned as the title winner amid the event finale held on Saturday evening at Hetauda. Similarly, Sujina Tamang and Basanti Titung were announced the first and second runner-up respectively. The pageant was organized by Lippo Fancy.
The contestants also competed for various titles including ‘Miss best skin’, ‘Miss Hair’, ‘Miss Best Confidence’, and ‘Miss Best Discipline’.
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Model Paramita RL Shah, choreographer Sofia Fago, model Sagan Hussain, Sanket Bashyal, and Anmol Jung Chhetri were the jury of the event.
According to the coordinator of the event, Ruyal Sunar the pageant was held with an aim to empower women and to bring out the best in them.