MAHOTTARI, Nov 21: Poll activities such as mass gatherings, rallies, door-to-door visits have heated up the election atmosphere in Mahottari. In order to persuade more number of voters, political parties are adopting interesting agendas and strategies that have caught the attention of voters.
With the arrival of the harvesting season, most of the locals are found more in their fields rather than at homes. This has compelled the candidates to make visits to their fields seeking votes. But none of the candidates seem to follow the election code of conduct while campaigning for the polls. Not just the candidates of small parties but also the candidates of major political parties such as Nepali Congress (NC), CPN-UML, CPN (Maoist Center) among others have been breaching the rules and ethics set by the Election Commission (EC).
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As per the EC, it is unethical to stick pamphlets, posters and banners of parties in public places but they are found everywhere in the district. They have been found promoting their candidates through loudspeakers, which is not allowed by the election laws. Such cases are rampantly found in the district. However, the responsible authorities have turned a blind eye to this violation. Although candidates are well aware of their limits and restrictions, they still seem to be neglecting them.
Parties are even found holding mass assemblies in public places and schools, which is strictly forbidden by the EC. In some occasions, students are unable to attend their classes due to the gatherings of parties. Despite all of this, investigation committees and sub-committees formed for monitoring such activities have remained silent.
In constituency -2, an investigation team recently found out that a party was constructing a culvert in Banchauri and conducting community development activities in Dewan by violating the election laws. But the team was unable to take action against them as it was not sure of the party's name.
According to Shailendra Pandey, focal person of the monitoring committee, election officials have been told to remove the pamphlets, banners and posters of parties from the public places within few days. He informed that the candidates have been urged to follow the election code of conducts. Though they have been warning the candidates, not taking action against them has further encouraged the provocative election activities.