Picture Courtesy: TOURLYF
Multi is a frontman of one of the emerging Nepali bands, ChakaChak.The band is mostly known for the numbers like ‘Damadol’, ‘Sabda’ and ‘Money’.
For this weekend’s Instant Inquiry, MyCity caught up with the vocal prodigy. Here’s what he had to say:
What is music for you?
Music has been the way of living for me. The things related to it are always closest to me.
What do you want to do with your vocals?
Instant Inquiry with Rizu Tuladhar

If you could be any musician for a day, who would it be? Why?
Travis Barker. I want to feel how it’s like being a sultan son and the drummer of Blink-182.
What do you do when you are alone at home?
Strum my guitars or go into keys. Also, freestyle experimenting with different vocal structure.
What’s your favorite jam?
The Doors - ‘Roadhouse Blues’
If you could hang out with any musicians, who would they be?
Underside, Cobweb and The Shadows ‘Nepal’.
Any songs you wish you had written?
I cannot name it all.
Which international band do you want to be a part of?
Metallica and AC/DC.
Dream concert to attend?
Download Festival.
Dream venue to play?
Dreams shouldn’t be discussed until they become a reality.
What do you enjoy most about being a musician?
Going very deep into music and getting high with feeling super happy.
What do you hate the most?
I hate how society has made a certain picture for a musician...no identity!
A lesson you learned as a musician?
Learned and realized how practice upgrades the skills.
What do you want to change about the industry?
Maybe I would like to change the perception of judging music.
Any messages you want to give to the people who want to rock?
Be passionate. Keep on believing in yourself.