KATHMANDU, July 21: Minister for Home Affairs Janardan Sharma has stressed on stock-taking of the implementation of the decisions made in the past relating to disaster management.
At a meeting of the Central Disaster Relief Committee attended by the Minister for Urban Development Prabhu Shah, Chief Secretary Rajendra Kishore Chhetri, Secretaries of various ministries and the Chiefs of security bodies, Minister Sharma stated that no progress would be achieved in the realm of disaster management by the mere submission of the report and holding discussions.
Furthermore, Sharma pointed out the need for all the concerned ministries to play their respective roles for disaster management, stating that it was not a one-man thing but need coordination and cooperation from one and all., according to Minister Sharma's Secretariat.
Underlining the timely management of natural calamities, he mentioned that if we don't respond to disaster promptly and efficiently, further disasters would hit harder.
Directive for expansion of telephone services in all rural municipalities
In the meeting, Minister Sharma also directed the Secretary at the Ministry of Information and Communications through the Chief Secretary Chettri to ensure the expansion of telephone services in all rural municipalities by three months.
He said that no compromises will be made to ensure access of all people in the country to telecommunication services.
Three helicopters for rescue during disasters
Minister Sharma furthermore directed the Nepal Army (NA) to keep three helicopters at the three major places across the country for prompt and swift rescue in the time of disasters.
Sharma directed to NA Major General Hemanta Kunwar attending the meeting to keep one helicopter stand-by in the eastern area, another in Butwal and third one towards the western part of the country.
Moreover, he also spoke of the need to increase the fund in the Prime Minister Disaster Relief Fund through various means. RSS
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