Navin Awal, 29, is the director of a feature film ‘Bijuli Machine’. This talented director has introduced unique ideas in the field of Nepali film direction. He has directed many short films and Bijuli Machine is his first feature film. His movie has done remarkably well in the Nepali film market and is widely appreciated by Nepali youngsters.
In conversation with Republica’s Prasansha Rimal, he has revealed five things that many may not know about him.
Doesn't have formal education in film making
It may come as a surprise when people find out that this talented director has no formal education in film making. He learnt it all by himself through books. He practiced a lot while making short films. He pays close attention to his mistakes so that he doesn’t repeat it again while making a movie. He has made 13 short films and ‘1 Percent’ is his latest short film which can be found on YouTube.
Is a professional video editor
Navin Awal is a creative director of Silhouette International Pvt. Ltd. He is a professional video editor and motion graphic artist. He first started his work as an assistant director. He edits all his projects by himself. Silhouette International is a company which work on video production and has produced several commercials, documentaries and many more.
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Inspired by a chapter of lens
Navin was a science student specializing in physics and environmental science. He had to study about lenses as an academic course in BSc. first year which inspired him to change the direction of his professional life towards film making. He didn’t get the support of his family at first but this soon changed after the successful premier of his short film ‘Katha Ghar Ghar Ko’ and was well received by audience of Kathmandu University School of Management (KUSOM).
Is a music enthusiast
Besides film making, Navin is also a music enthusiast. He loves playing guitar and singing during leisure time. He gets motivated by the rhythm of music and can’t seem to concentrate without it. Whenever he writes, he makes sure that there is a music playing in the background. He was taught by his brother to play guitar and later learnt through tutorials and books.
Prefers to work with new actors
He prefers to work with new actors and artists. He says he will only write about youth stories and make films related to youth for the next few years. He feels responsible to give opportunity to new actors because when he was new to the industry he wished for the same. He understands the struggle of artist when they are not given opportunity. He believes youth empowerment is necessary to bring changes not just in the film industry, but the country as a whole.