Highway horror

Published On: December 13, 2019 08:56 AM NPT By: KAVYA BISWOKARMA

According to various reports, the total number of bus accidents in Nepal from July 2018 to January 2019 was recorded at 5,404. And that number is only increasing as we continue to hear news of buses plunging into rivers, injuring and killing many, on a daily basis. Narrow roads with sharp bends, and poor conditions of vehicles and highways are often blamed for such accidents. But what is going on, really?

Telling stories and Pushing Boundaries

Published On: December 13, 2019 08:44 AM NPT By: Anweiti Upadhyay

When Prabal Gurung casually strolled into Nagarik Network’s office in Kamaladi on a warm sunny Tuesday afternoon and shook my hand, it took every ounce of strength I had to be able to make a coherent sentence in my head and introduce myself. When he asked me my name for the second time, leaning in a bit so that he could hear me mumble it again, I couldn’t help but wonder why getting my name right would even matter to him.

Teaching in Dolpa

Published On: December 6, 2019 09:06 AM NPT By: SITU MANANDHAR

Binod Shahi, president of Snow Yak Foundation, came in the top 50 out of 37,000 teachers in the Global Teacher Prize 2018. Shahi was recognized for his immense contribution in providing education to children of Dolpa, a part of Karnali Pradesh in Nepal.

Supporting women-led businesses

Published On: December 6, 2019 08:57 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Many buildings that once used to be durbars and palaces around Kathmandu are being renovated and utilized for different purposes these days. While a majority of them house government offices, Baber Mahal Revisited is an oddity that is being operated as a commercial complex with a bunch of stores and restaurants within its premises. Everything Nepali, a concept store that was launched early this year by Deeptangshu Thapa and Prasanna Basnet, is one of the many stores within the vibrant space.

When did you first feel like an adult?

Published On: December 6, 2019 08:23 AM NPT By: The Week Bureau

As kids, we all wanted to grow up and become “adults”. And then we did. We never really realized it till we were doing things that we had always seen the “adults” in our lives do. But we have all had a particular moment in our lives when we felt like we have grown up and become an “adult” like we always wanted to. The Week asked some people to recall when they first felt like an adult.

Fighting fair

Published On: December 6, 2019 08:18 AM NPT By: Aditi Sharma

I hate arguments and go to extreme lengths to avoid a confrontation. But life is life and things are thus not always agreeable and sometimes I do end up having disagreements with people.

To visit or not to

Published On: December 6, 2019 08:10 AM NPT By: Anweiti Upadhyay

One of the major agendas of the Visit Nepal 2020 campaign is to promote local tourism. More Nepalis need to explore Nepal, so believe the authorities behind the campaign. But most of the Nepalis The Week spoke to don’t think much effort has been made in that regard.

The fresh food hub

Published On: November 29, 2019 12:33 PM NPT By: Anweiti Upadhyay

Something my parents always advise me to do is to pack my own lunch and snacks every day and to avoid eating out as much as possible. For them, eating out equals eating greasy and unhealthy food and that might be true a lot of times since a majority of restaurants do serve such food. But every once in a while, you stumble across that one eatery that serves everything fresh and healthy – a place that gets even your parents’ approval. That is Kairos Café for me.

Keeping your bathroom clean and fresh

Published On: November 29, 2019 12:29 PM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Have you ever felt a certain unpleasant smell was coming from your bathroom even when it looks clean? Or did you recently just notice a stain that wasn’t there before on your bathroom tiles? Bathrooms tend to be a little tricky when it comes to cleanliness and smell in comparison to the other rooms. But this doesn’t mean it’s impossible to keep it looking fresh and smelling good. Here are some tips and tricks you could use to keep your bathroom in good condition.

Live the good life

Published On: November 29, 2019 12:19 PM NPT By: The Week Bureau

Life might sometimes seem like an endless loop of eat, work, sleep, and repeat but that in no way means it has to feel boring and uninspiring. Often times, we look for ways to keep ourselves cheerful and feeling motivated but it’s not always possible or wallet friendly to go shopping or on a vacation every time you feel low. Instead, what you could do is infuse a little cheer into your everyday lives. Here are eight ways to live the good life.