Saigrace Pokharel is a social impact storyteller who is based in Barcelona, Spain. He is currently in Nepal and is busy with his “Word Tour with Saigrace”. He owns a production house and he produces commercial photos and videos for different companies. At this time, in Nepal he is visiting seven different places — Dhangadhi, Jhapa, Dharan, Chitwan, Butwal, Pokhara and Kathmandu — for his Word Tour. Moreover, he is working on his project to publish his first novel and song.
In a conversation with My City, Pokharel revealed five things that many may not know about him.
Storyteller Saigrace Pokharel to embark on Nepal Tour from Apri...

Fun loving guy
With his glasses on and having a serious-looking personality, everyone on their first look can think he is all about serious business. But on the contrary, he is a fun loving guy, who can also joke around. “I look kind of serious but I am the opposite. In my school days, I was playful as well as funny. Also, I won the first position in a comedy competition in school,” shared Pokharel.
Night owl
Everyone has different sleeping habits and Pokharel too has one where he simply isn’t a morning person. “I am not a morning person. If you ask me to sit up till 5 AM, then I am capable of not sleeping in between. But if you ask me to wake up at 5 AM, then I simply cannot do so,” said Pokharel.
Not a cook
All that Pokharel can cook is to boil noodles and nothing more. He simply cannot find it productive. Moreover, cooking is not his strength and he would rather spend his time being creative such as writing, music, etc than spend his time in the kitchen cooking.
Mischievous as a child
Some children simply behave good and some bad but it won’t hurt if a child is mischievous. In Pokharel’s case, he has a memory of burning his cousin’s hair. About this, he elaborated, “It was the time of Deepawali and we were playing with crackers. And in the process of playing, his hair caught fire. After that, I ran away, and fortunately he was not hurt. There are other cases too when I acted mischievously around my friends and family.”
One who always feels cold
There are those whose bodies are either warm or cold. And Pokharel is the one who feels extremely cold most of the time. Not only that, he avoids any cold drinks, be it summer or winter. He said, “I wear trousers inside my pants even if it’s slightly cold. And I cannot drink cold drinks; if I drink then I get bad headaches. So, I avoid them.”