Disrupting visual order

December 8, 2019 11:09 am

It did get a bit awkward walking into a hair and beauty salon on the eve of my marriage. No doubt I wanted to look good, but I felt guilty about spending a handsome amount on a facial that would barely last twenty-four hours. There is a well-established visual order in our day to day lives. I think I had just dared to challenge one by consenting to have the beautician bombard my face with numerous cosmetics. The glow on my face on the big day could be partly attributed to this investment and hence provided some consolation. I get complimented when I put on my favorite bright pink shirt to work. I presume the complements are a consequence of a disturbance in the visual order brought about by feminine tag to the pink.

Mirror, mirror, on the wall

September 21, 2018 08:39 am

Beauty and body perfection have commonly been associated with women. The issue related to women body objectification and dissatisfaction has long been in discussion in Nepal. The conversation is obvious because traditional patriarchal ideology and gender roles have made women behave and want to look a certain way. But with the portrayal of ‘ideal’ male bodies in the media in the recent times, young men in Nepal too are suffering from body image issues. However, the conversation is lacking where men are concerned.