Researchers report two newly discovered species of electric eels in South America, one of which can deliver a bigger jolt than any other known animal.

A whale-dolphin hybrid was discovered thanks to the efforts of scientists in Hawaii. The "most unusual" find is even more unique given that one of the species in the mix is rarely seen in the area.

Scientists are a step closer to understanding which genes are responsible for early onset Alzheimer's disease in people with Down syndrome, thanks to a new study led by researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and UCL along with an international group of collaborators.

BHOJPUR, March 25: An ammunition cache has been discovered in Martel area at Salpasilicho Village Council – 5.

A Czech-Polish team said Friday it had discovered the world’s deepest underwater cave in the eastern Czech Republic.

An Indonesian man who has emerged as the world’s oldest at an incredible 145 years has revealed he is ready to die, The Independent reported.

KATHMANDU, June 26: The Department of Mines and Geology has discovered 15 more places having the deposits of iron, copper and limestone.