KATHMANDU,  Nov 6: Two patients died at the Patan Academy of Health Sciences after taking antibiotics.

KATHMANDU, Sept 18: The government has issued a directive to the consumers and stakeholders against using 103 types of antibiotics.

Proper use of antibiotics

February 24, 2020 08:00 am

Proper use of antibiotics

Having flu, cold, tonsillitis or any common upper respiratory difficulties and reaching out to a pharmacy.

For all the good that antibiotics do, relying on them too much can have pretty drastic drawbacks. In particular, their overuse can help create bacterial superbugs resistant to future antibiotics.

Infographics: When antibiotics kill you

December 28, 2017 00:05 am

When antibiotics kill you

Against antibiotics

July 16, 2017 00:30 am

To win the war against antimicrobial resistance, we must stop doling out antibiotics like sweets.

Global use of antibiotics has increased steadily in recent years, driven by rising demand across low and middle income countries.