KATHMANDU, June 30: Nepal’s public debt has reached 42.08 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).

KATHMANDU, March 17: Nepal's public debt has surged to Rs 2.388 trillion up to Falgun (mid-February to mid-March) of the current fiscal year 2023/24, according to the data released by the Public Debt Management Office.

Nepal finds itself under the critical scrutiny of analysts and economists, who decry its inability to curtail unnecessary expenses in the wake of sluggish revenue collection. As the nation grapples with a soaring public debt, experts are urging the government to take austerity measures to safeguard public finances and foster sustainable economic growth.

KATHMANDU, March 4: Analysts and economists have criticized the government for its failure to remain within the framework of its announced austerity measures such that it has adversely affected the economic growth rate while raising the public debt significantly.

KATHMANDU, Jan 25: Nepal’s public debt reached Rs 2.384 trillion, with an addition of Rs 162.58 billion debt in the first half of the current fiscal year.

KATHMANDU, Dec 26: In the period of five and a half years, the public debt liability of the Government of Nepal has surged by Rs 1.3 trillion.

KATHMANDU, Dec 21: The government has started paying an average interest of Rs 6.5 billion per month under the heading of fiscal management.

KATHMANDU, Dec 21: In the first five months of the current fiscal year, the government's public debt liability has increased by about Rs 72 billion.

It is time for the government to prioritize the country's long-term financial health over short-term gains and take the necessary steps to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for Nepal.

KATHMANDU, Dec 2: Nepal has accumulated more than Rs 57.71 billion in public debt in the first quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/24, bringing the total to Rs 2.36 trillion by mid-November, up from Rs 2.29 trillion in mid-July, according to the Public Debt Management Office (PDMO).

Despite substantial government support in the form of loans, subsidies, and extensive investments, the financial health of Public Enterprises remains precarious. Over the last five years, loss-making public enterprises have witnessed an astonishing 6361.5% increase in losses reaching Rs 41.48 billion in 2021/22, while profit-making companies have experienced a 2.4% decrease in profits even as their numbers expand reaching Rs 43 billion in the same year.

Public debt surged to Rs 2.354 trillion in the review period

The establishment of public enterprises, both on a global scale and within the unique context of Nepal, has been a pivotal chapter in the annals of economic development. In the post-World War II era, a surge of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) emerged worldwide, driven by a myriad of motivations and expectations to address market failure.

In a distressing revelation, recent financial data highlights a concerning trend in Nepal's economic landscape. The government's insatiable appetite for debt has grown unabated, adding to the existing burden on the public

KATHMANDU, July 24: The government owes public debt over Rs 2.221 trillion.

In recent times, the escalating public debt, including foreign loan burden, in our country have reached an alarming level, prompting lawmakers to raise their voices of concern. With public debt approaching half of our GDP, it is imperative that the government takes immediate action to prevent our nation from falling into a debt trap.

KATHMANDU, June 29: Lawmakers have termed the soaring public borrowing as ‘alarming’ for the country, stating that the debt trap is inevitable if the government does not take cautious measures on time.

KATHMANDU, April 18: The state treasury of Nepal faced a negative cash balance of Rs 187 billion as of mid-April in the current fiscal year, with soaring expenditure amid slow revenue collection.

KATHMANDU, Jan 2: Nepal’s public debt to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ratio has reached 41.38 percent as of the first quarter end of the current fiscal year.

In the context of Nepal, a study found that the relationship between external borrowing and economic growth results in an increased burden with the significance in the size and magnitude of such debt.

KATHMANDU, August 28: Nepal’s public debt has reached 40.5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), with the government relying more on borrowed money to meet its financial obligations due to low revenue collection amid impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.